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2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Wait, so he can, like, pick up a sofa and it turns into a giant sword? Or would that be too big?
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: And, [Duredhel] thinks that carrying around a sword would be practically the same thing. So, give us your opinion.
And, also, did you have any other powers in mind?
Also, just a hint, it's probably best to not say so much the fact that Erik is a hit with the ladies. If the girls in the mansion all ignore him, it would be a little awkward. Maybe just say one time that he was a hit in Denmark, or something.
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Well the comment about that was meant either way as a sort of current text, being exactly by those in Denmark but yeah and for the question about the soft then no, has to be able to be held like the hilt of a sword, pen, racquet, stick or the like.... Well the idea was to be able to create a mental one from whichever he could hold like a sword, slight more detail then an average psychic blade but yeah originally that would be it, just feels, smells, taste and looks completely like a genuine sword, as for powers had one but that one got picked down, can think of a new one but generally would have to change the character itself either mostly or at least some as I sort of fit them somewhat to the power intended, but yeah if you'd rather I change the power again then I'll go ahead and do so, will alter the part about his looks being popular so it better describes what I intended in the meantime ^^'
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Alright, that works. :)
Um, it's up to you whether you change the power, not me. :)
I could give you some ideas, if you'd like? :O
Another thing is that we've got an applicant whose character deals with swords already, though I'm not sure if they will be playing still.
So, would you like ideas, or would you rather keep the power the same?
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* I'd welcome any ideas, already changed this once already XP
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: What was the power before?
I'm gonna sleep on this XD
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Immunity to poison and the ability to produce that poison, only those he had been in contact with though, but yeah was told there was two that had similar powers that became that one combined or something like that ^^' Hadn't noticed them, had looked a little at some but yeah only a few and unfortunately those two was missed so yeah didn't know until I was told about it, but yeah I am open to suggestions, have difficulty with proper creativity due to the current humid heat we're having ^^'
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: Heat is evil! It just got a little cooler here, which is awesome. :D
Wow, I had an actual power idea. He could be able to mold stuff by touching it and without breaking it, so he could mold a plank into a strange mass of wood! That way he could make very sharp stuff if he spent time on it, but could only make straight lines if he could press the molded object against something. And of course the properties of the object he molded wouldn't change, though he can try to compress or stretch the thing with his hands. So a plank stretched too thin would just break under too much pressure.
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Heat is evil.... Especially when you have thick blood like me ^^' Dad complaining about that I have open window and fan going due to "I'll never get used to the heat when cooling myself so much"..... Well otherwise I'd just lay half-dead on the bed which would be soaked from sweat so yeah... Prefer to be able to actually walk around and do something XD
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: How about the power idea? :P
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Interesting, will think about it :P
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: I actually kinda stole this idea from FMA: CoS, but it's still pretty cool. The ability to fuse a tiny portion of your soul, or living being, with an object for a short period of time. Of course, there are restrictions with it, but I thought it was just a cool idea :3
You could even narrow it down to a specific weapon, such as the silver, or whatever metal, in bullets of a gun :O
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Sorry, Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa.
It would enable the use, whose soul/living being is transferred into the object, to control that object for that short period of time (most likely 30-45 seconds tops). And obviously, it requires incredible energy spending.
Yeah, just throwing ideas out there XD
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Now THIS is cool too :D
The ability to create real effects based on the sounds you make with your mouth and voice.
A lot of sound effects can be reproduced with only the mouth and voice, sometimes the body. This power allows you to cause real effects when you produce them. For example, imitating an explosion SFX will cause one; a motorcycle SFX allows you to travel as if you were on a real one; a gunshot or machine gun SFX allows you to fire TK bullets; a ripping SFX can tear fabric. Keep in mind that you don't materialize things, you just make it seems like they are there and can act on their surrounding.
The good:
This power is very flexible. You don't have to produce a perfect imitation of a SFX.
One SFX can be used for various effects. A metal impact can pound nails, deflect swords and more.
Since your power isn't "substantial", its effects can't be blocked by conventional means.
The bad:
You have to learn how to produce sound effects. Just saying "BOOM" or "SCRATCH" won't work.
Only sounds produced with your own body works. For example, recordings don't work.
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: Would that be like remote control or telekinesis?
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